Focus on Success: How Just Bee Cosmetics Transformed a Beekeeping Passion into a Thriving Enterprise

Focus on Success: How Just Bee Cosmetics Transformed a Beekeeping Passion into a Thriving Enterprise

Many entrepreneurs start their ventures by turning a beloved hobby into a business. This was the case for the couple behind Just Bee Cosmetics, who began with beekeeping and eventually used it to create a variety of natural products. Here’s a closer look at their unique journey.

What the Business Does:
Just Bee Cosmetics offers beauty and home products made from natural materials. Founders Ben and Sarah Mitzelfelt shared, “We sell candles, small space diffusers, natural dish bar soap, lotion bars, natural lip balm, and other natural skin products.”

Business Niche:
Just Bee Cosmetics focuses on creating unique formulas for each product. The business journey started with a passion for beekeeping, which led to the creation of their flagship product, Just Bee lip balm. Through extensive experimentation, they developed a unique formula that stands out by being thicker and more protective than others on the market. This success encouraged them to expand their product line to include various nature-focused beauty and home items. They pride themselves on making clean-burning candles with nature-inspired labels, using natural soy wax, organic coconut oil, beeswax, cotton wicks, fragrances, and essential oils. Their product line also includes small-space diffusers, bath soaps, oils, and nourishing lotion bars, all made with a dedication to natural ingredients and high quality.

How the Business Got Started:
Just Bee began in 2011, a year after Ben started beekeeping, inspired by his great-grandfather. Sarah then used their beeswax and other organic ingredients to create their first product, the Just Bee lip balm. After perfecting the formula, which was thicker and more protective than other lip balms, they started selling it to family and friends before distributing it through small local businesses. The business grew steadily, adding more natural skincare products and launching candles in late 2019.

Biggest Win:
Their biggest achievement was expanding their product line to include candles. With established lip balm sales, they had the time to perfect their candle line. Utilizing their existing sales channels, they could quickly introduce their candles to the market. This expansion not only broadened their product range but also reinforced their brand’s image and commitment to high-quality, natural products.

Biggest Risk:
Several years ago, they took a significant risk by participating in a tradeshow that didn’t turn out as expected. This setback prompted a period of self-reflection and ultimately proved to be beneficial. It encouraged them to explore new opportunities, leading to their successful partnership with and the introduction of their candle line.

Lesson Learned:
They learned the importance of not fearing new ideas. While market rejection can be tough, it’s a crucial part of success. Their business saw significant growth when they became more confident and less afraid of rejection.

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000:
They would use extra funds to test new ideas. Though financial limitations can sharpen focus, having additional funds provides the freedom to experiment, which has been transformative for their business.

What Sets the Business Apart:
Just Bee Cosmetics is a true family business. Their children, currently aged 13 and 9, are actively involved in product ideation and production, as well as in shaping the company’s direction.

Favorite Quote:
The quote “If it was easy, everyone would do it,” from Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own, resonates with them. It reframes struggles as advantages, highlighting the value of perseverance.