Feature Focus: Stepping Stones Learning Center Carves Out Its Unique Place in Child Care

Feature Focus: Stepping Stones Learning Center Carves Out Its Unique Place in Child Care

Child care businesses serve a crucial role in communities nationwide, and some distinguish themselves with specialized programs. Stepping Stones Learning Center is one such business that stands out.

What the Business Does
Stepping Stones Learning Center provides child care services in Englishtown, New Jersey. According to President Raquel Palma, “Our business is recognized for childcare and educational services. We offer programs in Spanish as a second language, phonics, and music/technology.”

Business Niche
The center focuses on offering additional curriculum services. Palma states, “These services educate and entertain our youth while giving them a solid foundation for the future.”

How The Business Got Started
After an extensive career in education, Palma decided to establish her own child care service. She shares, “I’ve been a teacher in the education field for over 18 years. I wanted to bring my educational philosophy into my own business. After working for the board of education and several private preschools, I decided to open a preschool/daycare to provide quality service and have control over the curriculum and policies.”

Biggest Win
Hiring a diverse team has been a significant achievement for the center. Palma explains, “Our team comes from different countries, speaks various languages, and enjoys different foods. When we share meals, we learn from each other and embrace our differences. This diversity encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, try new foods, learn about different cultures, and pick up new phrases. Diversity is a hallmark of our team, students, and preschool.”

Lesson Learned
Taking finances seriously is crucial in running a business. Palma reflects, “If I could start over, I would do more research on the costs associated with running a preschool. There’s a lot of overhead, and managing finances is essential to keep the business afloat.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000
Palma would focus on advertising and team support. She says, “With extra funds, I would invest in advertising, staff training, and boosting employee salaries.”

Biggest Asset
The team is the center’s greatest strength. Palma notes, “They are consistently looking for ways to help grow the business. We also enjoy sharing lunch together as a family and appreciating foods that represent our diverse cultures.”