Is Out of Home Marketing a Fit for Your Business?

Is Out of Home Marketing a Fit for Your Business?

The internet has significantly transformed traditional small business marketing, except in one area. Out-of-home advertising hasn’t declined in the face of digital advertising. Instead, spending on this kind of advertising has grown steadily since 2008, with only a minor dip in 2014, and is expected to continue rising over the next five years.

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising refers to ads placed in public spaces outside the home, such as billboards, bus shelters, malls, stadiums, and transit stations. It can also include vehicle wraps, movie theater pre-roll ads, and signage in bars, restaurants, and health clubs.

For businesses targeting a local audience, out-of-home advertising can be a valuable part of the marketing mix. The OAAA notes that OOH advertising elicits more positive emotional responses than TV or radio ads. Moreover, it’s hard to ignore—people can’t block or skip an ad on a bus shelter. Additionally, the cost per impression is often lower compared to TV, radio, or various online ads.

Out-of-home advertising is quite effective. According to Borrell, 61% of consumers who noticed OOH ads took action. Specifically, 40% dined at a restaurant they saw advertised, 39% visited a store, and 29% shopped a sale within a week.

Mobile search and shopping have boosted the effectiveness of OOH advertising. Clever marketers integrate digital features into their OOH ads. Even if the ad isn’t digital, including a website URL or a landing page URL invites viewers to visit on their smartphones. People are often on their phones in public, so adding a QR code for more information can enhance engagement. About 30% of viewers search online after noticing an out-of-home ad.

Interested in trying out-of-home advertising? Here are some tips:

1. **Match the ad campaign to the location**: Consider what people are likely doing in the area where your ad will be placed. For example, ads for late-night restaurants, local taxi services, or DUI lawyers might be more effective in bars. Tourist spots are great for ads about local restaurants, tours, or recreational activities.

2. **Keep it simple**: People only have a moment to see your ad, especially if it’s on a billboard or in a transit station. Make sure your ad is easy to understand at a glance. Use a compelling image and a clear call-to-action.

3. **Use your website to close the sale**: Since there’s limited space in an out-of-home ad, drive viewers to a landing page on your website with more details. Make sure this page is mobile-friendly and includes a clear call-to-action.

4. **Work with an agency**: An agency specializing in out-of-home advertising can help you design an effective ad and choose the best locations for it.

Out-of-home advertising remains a powerful tool, thanks to its ability to reach people in public spaces and its synergy with digital elements.