How Socially Engaged Is Your Small Business?

How Socially Engaged Is Your Small Business?

Building a social media following for your small business can often feel daunting. What’s the point of spending hours creating engaging content when you only have a few dozen followers? If you post something on social media and no one sees it, does it really matter?

Hang in there, new business owner. Investing time in building and nurturing your social media presence is worth it, even when your business and online audience are still small.

Here are some tips to help you maximize your social media effectiveness and develop good marketing habits as your business grows.

**Build an Emotional Connection**
Creating social media content can be less of a chore if you think about the content you enjoy seeing online. What makes you smile or feel inspired to share something with a friend?

By considering why you follow certain accounts personally, you may get ideas for successful content you can mimic on your own profiles. Not every post has to sell a product. Your Instagram feed, for example, could showcase neighborhood scenes, behind-the-scenes moments from your latest project, or even adorable office pets.

As your audience expands, so will their appreciation for the value your business offers.

**Use Your Social Media Audience as a Test Market**
Got an idea for a promotion, sale, or special event? Try testing it out on social media. Posting a spontaneous offer on your Facebook page costs nothing but your time and lets you gauge how your fans respond.

By observing the results of these social media promotions, you can better incorporate them into your overall marketing strategy.

**Make It Easy for People to Find You**
Look around your business and ask yourself how easy it is for potential followers to discover your social media profiles. Are your handles listed on receipts, menus, or vehicles? Are they displayed on your front door or business cards?

You might have a social media presence, but people need to know you’re active on their favorite platforms. This is especially true for newer platforms like Snapchat. Consider printing postcard-sized flyers to slip into every customer’s bag to let them know you’re active on these platforms.

**Be Ready to Respond**
Social media is an excellent tool for customer service, allowing you to connect with customers one-on-one without the hassle of email inboxes or in-person meetings.

But if you’re not prepared to respond to questions, comments, or concerns online, you’re missing out. Enable notifications on your desktop or phone so you know when someone mentions you or sends a private message. Responding quickly shows you care about their thoughts, whether positive or negative. A thoughtful, friendly public response can impress new followers, especially if you resolve an issue quickly in a visible Twitter conversation.

Your diligence on social media can lead to referrals. Social media referrals are crucial in the consumer decision-making process. Engaged followers can turn into strong advocates for your business.

Schedule a social media checkup with a SCORE mentor to develop good social media habits for your growing business.